Your book doesn’t have to take years or even months to write. Let award-winning author and international speaker, Brandy M. Miller, help you get your book done – in 40 days (or less!).
A Universal Writing System That Just Works
- Works for fiction, nonfiction, or memoirs
- Get from beginning to end in less time…without the stress
- Know who would buy it and why before you begin writing
- Ensure your book stands out from the competition
- Know what readers want to find in your book and how to deliver it
You Know You Have A Book In You…

So why isn’t it written yet?
You’re not convinced it will be worth it.
There’s Power In Your Story.
There’s a life-saving, history-shaping, world-changing story inside of you that ONLY you can tell.
There’s someone out there who needs your story.
Letting Fear hold your story hostage isn’t just robbing you of your dreams.
It’s robbing them of the life-saving message your story can deliver.
Let Brandy help you get that story out of your head and onto the page so it can benefit your life…and theirs.
Brandy’s Story

For nearly two decades, Brandy dreamed of being a writer but her writing always seemed to fizzle out around chapter five. Her hard drive became a virtual ghost town of abandoned book projects. In 2001, she got advice from a writer’s panel to participate in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). In 2004, she took that advice and wrote her first book.
She would write several more books in the years between 2004 and 2012, but it wasn’t until December of 2012 that she wrote her first published book, How To Write An eBook in 40 Days (or Less!).
Written in two days at her kitchen table, it was intended to be a lead magnet to attract people to the business she co-founded with her husband, Creative Technology Services. And – for the first time in her business – it was working! It worked so well that an associate of hers who was starting a publishing company asked if he could publish it for her. Ignorant of the publishing world, she accepted the offer. That book was published in 2013.

Publishing her first book led her to start a writer’s group in the small town of Elko, Nevada where she was living at the time. The group began with just five individuals but soon grew to over 25 members.
Inspired by the challenges her authors faced, she published a second book, Creating A Character Backstory, through that same publisher. However, she was disillusioned by the lack of assistance with promoting, marketing, or selling her books. It seemed outrageous to her to be paying a publisher a full 30% of everything she made when the only books that sold were the result of her own efforts.
She was ready to publish a third book, but decided against publishing with her existing publisher. Instead, she invested time in learning the ins and outs of formatting the interior of a book. It was a process that took her six weeks but the finished product was The Write Time: How to find all the time you need to write a book.
Her writing seemed to be going well. It was at this time, though, that she received a one-star review on her first book from an Amazon Vine Reviewer. Vine Reviewers are treated with greater weight in Amazon’s ranking algorithm because of the frequency and quality of their reviews. It was a devastating blow for the inexperienced author.

That 1-star review didn’t stop Brandy from writing. Instead, it led her to re-evaluate her first book and look at it through a new lens. Did it offer the beginning writer all that they needed? She had to answer “no.” This led her to set out on a quest to find a universal writing system. One that would work just as effectively for her fiction writers as it did for nonfiction or memoir writers. That slowed her publishing down, but she did publish an anthology for the Elko County Writers entitled, The Collected Works of the Elko County Writers.
Her next book, The Poverty Diaries, wouldn’t be published until 2014. She didn’t publish it because she was proud of being in poverty or of having lived in it for so long. She published it as a desperate move to raise money so that she could attend her son’s boot camp graduation. Unbeknownst to her, the choice to publish that book would be the first step on the road leading to Breaking Open Abundance.

In 2015, after months of struggle to get approval from her Bishop, she published The Secret of the Lantern: A Choose-Your-Path Adventure for Catholic Kids. The adventure is based on the 20 mysteries of the Rosary which are rooted in 20 passages from Scripture. The story provides a guide for helping kids of all ages make sound, Christian decisions about how to handle life’s challenges.
In 2016, she started a business helping other people write their books. Her work with her first client inspired her to write and publish 7 Steps To Change Your Life & The World. This was her next big step forward toward Breaking Open Abundance, but it would take years before that work would bear fruit.

While living in Denver, Colorado in 2017, she received from her mother a box of her artwork as a child. This inspired her to put together a picture book, I Wish I Could Draw Like That. She wrote it based on her experiences with so many people who would watch her drawing or painting and say to her, “I wish I could draw like that.”
The heart of the message is that drawing and painting are skills, like any other. If you wish you could, know that you can – but you have to be willing to put in the work, learn from others, take the risks, and experience the failures first.
Her next book wouldn’t come until November of 2019. That year, she published Turning Problems Into Profits, based on her own experiences of having started a business with nothing more than a problem that she knew how to solve. That book would be the next big step forward in her journey toward Breaking Open Abundance.

In 2020, she would contribute her story, “Learning To Shine Through The Darkness” to an anthology compiled by Dr. Norma McLauchlin of Chosen Pen Publishing entitled Free To Choose Forgiveness.
Her debut new adult fiction title, The End of Purgatory, was published in 2021 after several rounds of beta readers told her how much they enjoyed the story.

Brandy’s greatest joy, however, is not in her own writing but in helping others accomplish their writing dreams. This quiet work behind-the-scenes of the literary world earned her several awards. In 2020, it brought her a Creative Strategy Award at the Leap and Shine Conference in London, England.
In 2022, it earned her an Excellence In Publishing Award from Path To Publishing in Las Vegas, Nevada. In 2023, it earned her an Inspirational Woman in Literature Award from the And I Thought Ladies.
Partnering With Path To Publishing
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. ~ African proverb
In 2021, Brandy began to work regularly with national bestselling author Joylynn M. Ross, founder of Path To Publishing. The reason was simple: it made sense for her clients.
She wanted to ensure they had access to all of the resources, knowledge, and benefits a traditional publisher could offer them while maintaining the advantages of control of their experience and the profits that self-publishing offered.
A rough draft of a book can take less than 40 days to create, but the process of editing can take months. It depends on the quality of the manuscript that is brought to the editor and how much self-editing the author does before it lands on the editor’s desk.
Allowing Brandy to help you complete your rough draft ensures there will be far less money, work, and time involved in editing your book. This does not mean there will be no editing that needs to be done. The more times a manuscript is reviewed by the same person, the more likely the brain is to see what it expects to see rather than what is actually there. The more eyeballs that review it, the more likely the mistakes are to be eliminated before you hit the publishing stage.
The Ultimate Publishing Course
An education is only as good as the teacher who presents it.
When it comes to the publishing business, there is nobody that knows it better than Joylynn M. Ross. That’s why Brandy chose to partner with her. Joylynn’s sold over a million copies of her own books and has helped almost two dozen authors land over $2.7 million dollars in book contracts. She’s been traditionally published, worked as an editor at a traditional publishing imprint, been an agent, and started a six-figure publishing business of her own. Brandy highly recommends her publishing course to those who want to learn the ins and outs of what it takes to make a living as a writer even before they get the book written and published.

Beyond the Basics of Publishing course covers everything you need to know, and then some, to self-publish your book:
- Writing
- Editing (all the various types of editing)
- Design
- Process of publishing
- Marketing
Order it by itself for $997 or get the bundle (all three) for just $2500 and save $500!

Build Your Book Business course covers how to turn your book into a six-figure or more business:
- Incorporating (or “doing business as”)
- Naming your book business/publishing imprint
- Separating business from personal
- Tracking your income and expenses
- Taxes
- Accounting
- Contracts and disclaimers
Order it by itself for $997 or get the bundle (all three) for just $2500 and save $500!

Making a Living as a Writer course covers everything you need to know about making money from your writing, including:
- How to turn your book/writing into a business
- How to make money beyond book sales
- How to get other people to pay for your business endeavors
- How to secure paid writing gigs
- How to get grants and sponsors
- Professional titles you wear besides “author/writer”
- How to increase book sales without directly selling books
- How to make money from content you write outside of books
- How to make money while you sleep
- How to make money while spending time with your friends & family
- How to make money on YouTube
Order it by itself for $997 or get the bundle (all three) for just $2500 and save $500!

The Course Bundle combines the content from the three modules and saves you $500! Watch from the comfort of your home and review the content as often as needed.
Order it now for just $2500!